Photo by Allie Photo

Be happy with what you have, while working for what you want.



Hey there! I’m Natalie, busy momma to two girls and a puppy. I quickly realized after having our second daughter that if I didn’t start taking care of ME, that this mom thing wasn’t going to go so well. I love eating delicious food, just as much as I love a good, sweaty workout. I have always exercised but never appreciated what it did for my body as a whole, until I got ‘older’.

If you are looking for some inspiration to take your health and fitness to a new level or simply put yourself back on your priority list, we should chat!

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Mom Life done healthy

Let me just start by saying, some days you are going to totally crush it, and some days you might want to hide in the bathroom with a bottle of wine at dinner time. And that is OKAY!